

本章參考: 王者歸來 做的筆記 一、Python認識  1.Python是一種Interpreted language、Object Oriented Language的程式語言,並擁有完整的函數庫。 2.Python算是一種動態高階語言,具有Garbage collection機制。 3.Python是一個Open Source,並且本身有許多package或module。 二、靜態語言與動態語言 1.variable是一個語言核心,由變數的設定可以知道這個程式所要完成的工作;variable分成static language與dynamic language 2.有些程式語言的variable在使用前需要宣告他的資料型態,這樣compile可在記憶體內預留空間給variable。同時,這個變數的資料型態經過宣告後,未來無法再改變他的資料型態,這類的程式語言稱static language 3.variable在使用前不必宣告他的資料型態,其特色不用經過compile過程,而是使用interpreter直接interpret與execute,這類的程式語言稱dynamic language(scripting language、glue code) 4.實際案例,利用Python列出變數的位址,相同的內容的變數會有相同的位址。 5.刪除變數,雖然python變數宣告很方便,但有時候宣告過多,執行起來會有點小卡,因此可以刪除變數                                                      del 變數名稱


 將Django部署到服務器之後,(後台)admin的css卻無法使用,我將此做成筆記。 參考範例: Django笔记06:修改了css文件之后却无法生效的解决办法 在一般django中,將靜態文件集中在,static裡面。 Managing static files (詳細的static操作請看) 然而,當要部署到heroku上,發生了admin css不能使用。 確認過靜態文件都有被搜集: python3 manage.py collectstatic 本地css文件同步到服務器之後,只是同步到了對應APP下面的static文件夾裡面,但是heroku 等調用的是你設置的STATIC_ROOT文件夾下的文件,所以程式碼同步之後我們要進行這個非常重要的操作。 但是,我的admin css依然沒有成功。 後來我找到了解法,參考上面大神的解法。 我在到我的setting.py上再加入: STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'static/') STATIC_ROOT是一個絕對地址,它是在Django部署的時候才會用到,它所對應的文件夾是存放被從項目各個地方收集來的靜態文件,因為一個Django可能有多個APP,相應的,每個APP可能都會有自己的static文件,將各個APP中的靜態文件收集到一起是為了伺服器統一使用。 之後,他還是出了問題,於是我又到官方文件尋找關於STATIC_ROOT的資訊。 於是就看到了 Deploying static files 大致上了解關於static_root的部署。 我在到原本的 Managing static files 去查看。 於是我打開url.py加上 from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls.static import static urlpatterns = [ # ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ... ] + static ( settings . STATIC_URL , document_root = settings . STATIC_ROOT ) 再一次部署,成功地把後台的css給顯現出來。 而且,這個問題連...

Django練習- django的網頁架設之基本觀念

 本篇是參考: Python Web 介面開發與自動化測試 首先,要學習django前,要先部署環境,而部署環境的方式,google大神有很多教導安裝django的環境(請自行google) 學習本專案建議先有基礎的python概念,基礎的terminal操作(基礎就可以了) 本練習為了方便,統一用python ~做指令操作,若是你的python版本為3以上,請用 python3 ~ 首先,先用 terminal創立一個專案: django-admin startproject guest                                                             #建立guest專案  此刻,你就會看到你的專案建立起來,專案裡面有: 如果你guest,就會看到裡面的檔案有: 介紹每個檔案的用途:     1、_ini_.py:識別一個目錄為Python的標準套件。     2、settings.py:專案設定檔(資料庫配置、應用程式配置、範本配置)     3、urls.py:專案的url宣告      4、wsgi.py:與WSGI相容的web伺服器為你專案提供服務入口     5、manage.py:命令列工具,主要用於專案互動 先測試你的django能否運行: python manage.py runserver                                                       ...

Australia Uses New Technology to Catch Drivers on Phones

Australia Uses New Technology to Catch Drivers on Phones An Australian state is trying to stop people from using their phones while driving by putting new Mobile Phone Detection Cameras on its roads. Road safety experts are concerned about the growing number of accidents involving drivers using phones on New South Wales roads. New South Wales Roads Minister Andrew Constance believes using a phone while driving is as dangerous as driving drunk. The government of New South Wales plans to have 45 Mobile Phone Detection Cameras across the state by December 2019. Each device has two cameras, one which looks into the car and can see what drivers are doing with their hands, and one that can see cars' registration plates. Officials say the new cameras could prevent 100 fatal and serious injuries over five years. A six-month test using just two of the devices this year checked 8.5 million vehicles and found more than 100,000 drivers with their hands on the phones. One driver was cau...

US Actress Gets 14 Days for College Scam

US Actress Gets 14 Days for College Scam On September 13, Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman was given 14 days in prison for paying $15,000 to raise the score on her daughter's college entrance exam. "I was frightened, I was stupid, and I was so wrong," Huffman, 56, said as she became the first parent to get prison time in a college admissions scandal that has involved many rich parents. A total of 51 people have been charged in the scam. Prosecutors said parents paid to change test scores or paid coaches to get their children into top schools by having them recruited as athletes for sports they didn't even play. At the center of the scam is William "Rick" Singer, who paid a test proctor to correct the answers on Huffman's daughter's exam. Some parents are accused of paying up to $500,000 for Singer's help. Authorities said Huffman's daughter Sophia got an exam result that was 400 points higher than her score on a practice exam....


純屬個人興趣 11/24台灣第一次公投,對於同性婚姻法案,個人是蠻好奇的。 因為在開投前,許多ptt與臉書幾乎都是一面倒的情況 幾乎是支持同性婚姻(也有可能是臉書的演算法導致我的臉書是一面倒) 但是 開票結果又與實際差很多 於是,基於好奇的情況下,我去爬蟲,把公投二案給爬了下來 做了一個資料視覺畫的呈現,看看為啥有所不同 令我出乎意料之外的,跟當初所說的一面倒有所不同啊!


前陣子看台北市市長辯論會 某一位候選人說:16*16=196 引來大量網友的謾罵 如今,為了證明16*16有可能成為196 於是我試著寫寫看 還真的有可能為196呢 不只16*16喔!! 還可以輸入其他數字喔!!! 算算看 貼心提醒!我不只可以16*16喔!我還可以其他數字呢!! 影片介紹: 完整資料來源: 卡提諾狂新聞